Our Current Grants

We currently offer three grant categories. The details for each, as well as other important application details, are provided below.

I. Infrastructure/Registry Research Grant in Any Area of Pediatric Neurology

This competitive grant is directed at developing a new multicenter infrastructure, (registries and networks), or enhancing the scientific scope of an existing multicenter infrastructure program to enable advancement of clinical and health-services research.

We are interested in all areas of pediatric neurology, although we have a special interest in pediatric epilepsy. We prefer research projects that provide opportunities for training and/or mentorship of young investigators.

Mentorship is a key value for PERF®.  Therefore, every application must provide a mentoring plan.  Early-stage investigators (ESI)* who serve as principal investigators (PIs) on PERF® grants must demonstrate that their mentorship plan provides the necessary support for them to execute the proposed study.  Established investigators must demonstrate the appropriate skills to lead the multicenter study.  They must explain in their mentorship plan how they will mentor early career investigators (e.g., assistant professors, instructors, fellows, or people who are new to clinical research) involved in the study. 

*Per NIH An ESI[1] is (1) an individual who is within 10 years of completing their terminal degree or end of post-graduate clinical training, whichever date is later, and (2) as a Principal Investigator has not received an independent grant (e.g. R01) from NIH or equivalent major funding from another funding organization.

We look forward to evaluating your exciting and innovative projects.


  • Funding Amount and Duration
    The PERF® Grant for Infrastructure/Registry Research is up to 3 years of support for up to $300,000.00 (in general, grants are for $100,000 per year for each of three years; in special circumstances, which must be clarified in the budget justification, payments can be adjusted to be higher in one year than the others although the overall total will not exceed $300,000.00). The funding begins September 1.
  • PERF® does not pay indirect costs on its research grants.
  • A yearly interim scientific and financial reports are required by October 1. Forms are provided by PERF®.
  • 10% of each payment is held back and paid upon an on-time receipt of annual scientific and financial report that is acceptable to the PERF® Board.
  • A no cost extension request can be arranged, but in general should be avoided and may result in forfeiture of the final 10% payment.


  • The applicant should be a pediatric neurologist (MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) at any stage in his or her career or a PhD working in an area relevant to pediatric neurology.
  • The applicant must be a legal resident of the United States or Canada and may only submit one letter of intent (LOI) per grant cycle.

Scroll down the page or click here to redirect to information about the grant process and key dates.

II. Career Development Grant

PERF® supports two opportunities for early-stage investigators (ESI). These are the PERF®-CNS Elterman Research Grant and PERF®-CNS Shields Research Grant.  An ESI is an individual who is within 10 years of completing their terminal degree or end of post-graduate clinical training, whichever date is later, and as a Principal Investigator has not received an independent grant (e.g. R01) from NIH or equivalent major funding from another funding organization.

PERF®-CNS Elterman Research Grant
This research grant supports clinical or basic science research by a child neurologist or developmental pediatrician early in his/her academic career. The selected investigator will receive a $150,000 grant of $75,000 per year for two years.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. The applicant completed training in child neurology or neurodevelopment disabilities in an accredited program no more than ten (10) years prior to application.
  2. There are no citizenship requirements however the research must be conducted in the United States or Canada.
  3. The applicant is a Junior or Active member of the Child Neurology Society.
  4. Currently funded research is disqualified except for an NIH KL2, K12, T32, or R25 grant.
  5. Research does not need to focus on epilepsy.

PERF®-CNS Shields Research Grant
This research grant supports translational or clinical research by a child neurologist or developmental pediatrician early in his/her academic career. The selected investigator will receive a $150,000 grant of $75,000 per year for two years.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. The applicant completed training in child neurology or neurodevelopmental disabilities in an accredited program no more than ten (10) years prior to application.
  2. The PERF®-CNS Shields Research Grant must have a clinical research/patient care component.  Research does not need to focus on epilepsy.
  3. There are no citizenship requirements however the research must be conducted in the United States or Canada.
  4. The applicant is a Junior or Active member of the Child Neurology Society.
  5. Currently funded research is disqualified except for an NIH Kl2, K12, T32, or R15 grant.

The Application Submission Deadline: The 2024 deadline is closed.  The 2025 deadline will be posted Fall 2024.   Email PDF to: PERFCDG@gmail.com
Award recipients will be notified by end of June of the granting year. The funding cycle will begin September 1st of the granting year.

DOWNLOAD the PERF®-CNS Career Development Grant Submission Guidelines

DOWNLOAD Career Development Awards FAQ Sheet

DOWNLOAD Career Development Grant Application

Direct questions to PERFCDG@gmail.com


III. PERF®-CNS Bridge Grant Program


The Pediatric Epilepsy Research Foundation® (PERF®) in partnership with the Child Neurology Society (CNS) offer the PERF®-CNS Bridge Grant Program to retain child neurology researchers.  This program is designed to provide bridge funding to promising child neurology researchers who are applying for their first independent National Institutes of Health (NIH) or Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) research support.  Through this grant mechanism, PERF® and CNS aim to assist investigators who have applied for their first NIH R01 or CIHR Operating/Project Grant support but were not funded.

This award is intended to retain investigators in child neurology clinical, translational, or basic research while they re-apply for NIH or CIHR funding.

The Bridge Grant will be in the amount of $50,000 and will require a 1:1 match from the investigator’s (Awardee’s) Division or Department (thereby making $100,000 available to the Awardee).

Eligibility Criteria

The following individuals are eligible to apply for this grant.

  1. Active members of the Child Neurology Society or membership application is in process.
  2. Have submitted their first NIH R01 or CIHR Operating/Project proposal during the past two years, and that grant was scored in the peer-review process but fell below (or is likely to fall below) the NIH or CIHR pay line.
  3. Investigators with K-Award (or equivalent) funding that will expire prior to the potential funding of their first R01 grant are eligible to apply, but current K-level funding is not a prerequisite.
  4. Investigators whose only federally funded grant is an R03 or R21 (or equivalent) award, and who are now re-submitting their first R01 or Operating/Project Grant, are eligible.

Exclusion Criteria

The following individuals are not eligible to apply for this grant.

  1. Investigators with current, independent, federally funded grants (aside from one R03 or one R21 or equivalent) are not eligible to apply for funding through this mechanism.
  2. Individuals who are seeking funding to support ongoing projects that are currently funded by another extramural granting body are not eligible to apply.

NIH/CIHR Funding Exception

Since these grants are intended as bridge support, if the NIH/CIHR grant is received by Awardee, the Awardee must notify PERF® within 10 business days of receipt of the notice of award, and the following would apply:

  1.  If NIH/CIHR funds are received prior to distribution of Bridge Grant funds, the award funds will not be released, and the grant will be closed out.
  2.  If NIH/CIHR funds are received after distribution of Bridge Grant funds, the Awardee is permitted to submit updated documents (i.e. a new budget, justification, and project timeline) and may be allowed to retain some or all the funds if they can provide sufficient rationale.

The Application Submission Deadline: The 2024 deadline is closed.  The 2025 deadline will be posted Fall 2024.  Email PDF to: PERF.CNSBridgeGrant@gmail.com
Award recipients will be notified by end of June of the granting year. The funding cycle will begin September 1st of the granting year.

Download the Bridge Grant Application Submission Guidelines

Application Forms / Click on form title to download.

Face Page
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations
Specific Aims
Research Plan
Mentoring Plan
Other Support
Budget Sheet
Institutional Resources
References Cited
Performance Site Key Personnel
Awardee Financial Information
Human Subjects Research Plan
Animal Research Plan

Direct questions to: PERF.CNSBridgeGrant@gmail.com

Special Co-Funding Projects

PERF® Infrastructure/Registry Research Grant Process and Key Dates


  • October 31: Letter of Intent submission deadline. No extensions.
  • By end of December:  Notification to investigators selected to submit a full application.


  • April 18: Submission deadline for full application.
  • By June 30: Notification of award recipients.
  • September 1: Funding cycle begins.

Letter of Intent Guidelines

Prepare a succinct letter of intent (LOI) not to exceed two pages using text font Arial 11 pt. Include the following information.

  1. Project Title
  2. Principal Investigator’s name.
  3. PI email address.
  4. PI Institution.
  5. Participating Institutions.
  6. Amount of the grant request.
  7. Indicate which type of grant for which funds are requested:
    • Type 1: Development of a new multicenter infrastructure (registries and networks) to advance care for children with neurologic disease.
      • Specify the pediatric disease or disorder area for which new infrastructure will be developed and the relevance and importance to advancing care for children with a neurologic disease.
      • Describe purpose of the project, hypotheses to be tested, or research that will result from infrastructure development. Describe the kinds of scientific questions your team will answer through this work.
    • Type 2: Enhancing the scientific scope of an existing multicenter infrastructure (registries and networks) to advance care of children with a neurologic disease.
      • Specify the pediatric disease or disorder area of the existing multicenter infrastructure.
      • Briefly describe the organizational and scientific progress made in the development of an existing infrastructure and expected results with additional funding.
  8. Briefly describe the experimental approach and statistical power, if applicable.
  9. Indicate if statistical consulting services are available, if applicable.

A biographical sketch of the principal investigator must be included with the LOI. Download NIH’s biosketch form here.

LOI’s not adhering to these guidelines will be returned without review.

LOI Template

Please check back soon to download a fillable Word document to submit your LOI.

LOI Submission Deadline: October 31, 2024

Email to PERF2004@gmail.com. You will receive a confirmation email upon receipt of your LOI submission.

Full Application

Investigators selected by the PERF® Board will be invited to submit a full application and will be notified by end of December 2024.  Recently funded applications are posted on the GRANTS page.

Grant applicants will receive the application form and filing instructions.

Full application submission deadline:  April 18 for the 2025 grant cycle.

Award recipients will be notified by end of June of the granting year. The funding cycle will begin September 1st of the granting year.

The Application Submission Guidelines for the 2025 grant cycle will be available soon.

[1] NIH definition of an early stage investigator at https://grants.nih.gov/policy/early-stage/index.htm